Théa/Pamex Corneal Education Meeting

23 November 2017

Venue: Education and Conference Centre, Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital, Adelaide Rd, Dublin 2

Time: 17:30pm to 19:45pm.

17.30-18:00 Registration and Refreshments.

18:00 - 18:05 Introduction by chair 

Mr Tim Fulcher MB, MMedSc, EBOD, FRCOphth, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Dublin. 

18:05 - 18:20 Case Presentation

18:20 - 18:55 Professor. William J. Power MCh, FRCPI, FRCSGlasg, FRCOphth, DO, Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital, Dublin. 

"Limbal Stem Cell Transplantation" 

18:55 - 19:35 Mr Sajjad Ahmad MB BS, FRCOphth, PhD, Moorfields Eye Hospital, London. 

"Evolving Concepts in the Management of Corneal Endothelial Failure”

19:35 - 19:45 Q&A

Please register by email at / or by telephone on 087 0638066  / 087 7911149

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